
How We Help People and Companies LEARN, LEAD and CHANGE

Across multiple industries, Sandy and her network of colleagues under the Evolving Strategies LLC umbrella specialize in the following areas of expertise:

  • Change Leadership full-day and half-day workshops
  • Organizational Change Management Strategy and Implementation
  • Organizational Change Communications Strategy and Development
  • Organizational Change Leadership Development and Coaching
  • Leadership Development During Transitions
  • Organizational Learning Strategy and Implementation
  • Large Scale Program Management
  • Employee Engagement



What Clients Are Saying

Accenture Logo Blue Cross Blue Shield Logo Northern Trust Logo
Spencer Stuart Logo Thomson Reuters Logo United Airlines Logo
United States Federal Government Logo W By Worth Logo Zebra Technologies Logo

“Sandy has been an invaluable resource in enabling our senior staff to plan implementation of a significant strategic change in business strategy. We appreciate Sandy’s role in our success.”

“Sandy is always interested in how people are going to be impacted by change. When she walks into a meeting where everyone is sitting with their arms folded, she finds ways to engage them.”

“Sandy has assisted our organization on a number of assignments, primarily in the areas of business strategy development, change management and organizational change. She has effectively interfaced with a wide variety of senior executives, each with unique personalities and perspectives, throughout the organization. Sandy has repeatedly demonstrated an uncanny ability to effectively interface with those senior executives, establishing open and candid communication, in both individual and group environments. She has been able to effectively filter and consolidate the inputs, to enable her quick diagnosis of the team issues and development of an effective and impactful plan. Her recommendations have proven effective in breaking through stumbling blocks affecting the team’s ability to practice strategic thinking, develop collaborative action plans and produce measurable results.”